Tuesday, September 19, 2006

President Bush at the UN

President Bush just delivered a GREAT speech at the UN General Assembly. He was clear and concise, and listed out exactly what the United States expects from various countries, especially in the Broader Middle East (generally considered the region extending from Afghanistan to Morocco, including the Arabian Penninsula).

I strongly recommend that you read the speech. You can access it here at WhiteHouse.gov

That is all.



Nectar said...

That is a great speech. So truthful, so direct, so courageous. It makes you wonder how anyone can find fault with the man. Yet, so many do.

I'm not sure the UN does the United States any good. And the reception Bush got at the UN seems to confirm that conviction.

Horatio said...

The UN serves a purpose... an annoying purpose, but it does serve one. But, seeing that we fund the entire organization, I think we do deserve a bit of respect there.

I never complain about people who criticize a President's policy. I don't even mind if well-informed people criticize the President himself. But, I really hate people who criticize a man without ever listening or really reading anything he says.

Jon Stewart and others pull out the bloopers and the mistakes. They miss what a politician is really saying.

That is all.


Nectar said...
